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Contact Details

Email: epplerfluteshotmail.com

Telephone: (206) 932-2211
FAX: (206) 933-1269


For all correspondence and mail orders:
Eppler Flute Company
P.O. Box 16513
Seattle, WA 98116-0513, U.S.A.

We accept Visa and Mastercard.

When in Seattle, plan to visit the Eppler workshop.
Please call or write for an appointment.

    NEW! Second Seattle shop location:

Eppler Flute Company
5014 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

1. Wood Headjoints. Flute, alto, bass, piccolo
2. Wood flutes. Models. Flute restoration and repair
3. Flutes, alto flutes, piccolos
4. More historic photos
5. Flute restoration: "before" and "after"
6. Transcript of interview with British flutemaker Albert Cooper
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A Tribute to Prof. Felix Emil Skowronek ✝ 17. IV. 2006

Website © Alexander Eppler 1998 || Webpage last updated February 15, 2012